Comment Policy

Visitors to the website may submit comments on individual pages. While effort is made to ensure the comment system is not abused, this is based on human intervention and judgement.
Use the comment report function if you see something that appears to be trolling, spam-like, or generally creating a toxic environment. Please do not respond to problematic comments, as it only serves to encourage bad behavior.


You are welcome to express a similar OR different point of view from any other visitor on the website, including administrators and moderators.

You are welcome to make statements about the kind of topic-relevant experiences you have had, whether positive or negative.

You may mention “hot” subjects, such as politics and religion, when they are relevant to the topic at hand.

You will have your content hidden or removed if you make unproven blanket statements about sections of a population. Specifically, racist, sexist, or generally discriminatory wording will not be tolerated.

You will have your content hidden or removed if you resort to personal attacks to “prove” your argument or to avoid personal responsibility for your own statements.

You may be banned from the website if you violate the guidelines multiple times or interfere with the intending functioning of the website.

You may be banned from the website if you use it as a means to stalk, harass, or outright threaten another person.

Copyright 2020 Shaila Gray. All rights reserved.